Choose to Be Fitness



This site is similar to Yelp in that it allows fitness trainers to post their businesses online. It provides opportunities for customers to review information about fitness trainers and find a good match. They can then contact the trainers and transact business with them. They can give reviews and keep track of which trainers are their favorites. In addition, the fitness trainers have a number of options as well. They can choose the package that fits their budget and post relevant content, images and videos. They can also post ads on strategic locations in the site. There is really a lot going on with what seems like a simple site at first glance.


Putting together a website with so many features and great functionality presents a number of unique challenges.

Honor Coding developed this website using a professionally developed theme that incorporates the majority of features required. This capitalizes on others' efforts - why reinvent the wheel? - and is an important part of the Honor Coding process. It saves clients countless hours and thousands of dollars from having to build a complex framework like this from scratch. With a few custom modifications behind the scenes, the website runs smoothly and efficiently and meets project goals.

The look and feel was also customized with the help of a branding expert and graphic designer. Because the site was developed using an industry standard CMS (WordPress), the clients are able to easily modify the site without assistance.

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